Pat Badani
Pat Badani (born Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a Canadian-American interdisciplinary artist, writer/editor, and researcher whose works promote ecological balance and sustainable human-world relations. She is best known for utopian/dystopian themes in works dealing with human migration, globalization, connections between food and cultures, and sustainability. Art projects often include culinary art, photography, installation, digital art, internet art, mobile apps, and creative writing. Articles about her work have appeared in art magazines (''Afterimage'', ''Art Papers'', ''Art Nexus''), in journals (''Leonardo''), and in book chapters ("Extranjeros en la Tecnología y en la Cultura," Ed. Néstor García Canclini, Colección Fundación Telefónica/Ariel, 2009; "The Performing Observer: Essays on Contemporary Art, Performance, and Photography", Dr. Martin Patrick, Intellect, The University of Chicago Press, 2023). She is a board member of the International Symposium on Electronic Art since 2017, and former editor-in-chief of ''Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus'' (2010-2016), an academic art journal published in the U.S.A. Provided by Wikipedia